I have struggled with depression every single day of my adult life.
Honestly, probably my whole life, but I was diagnosed as an adult.
I sought help for the first time near the end of my broken marriage,
and dove a little deeper after a relationship with a man deserving of
his own special class designation of A-hole. I went from fragile soul
to broken soul. I am so grateful that my daughter, who was dealing with
her own struggles at that time, introduced me to T0P exactly when I
needed them. (Thanks Kirsten!) It's not something that is easy to explain.
It's not something that other people can necessarily see. It's not
something I really talk about. It's a personal thing, and it's something
I am proud to triumph over every single day. I'm a fighter. I've got this.
This is a very personal struggle, and in no way have I ever sought to ask
anything of those around me. I am a functioning, albeit broken person
who has so much hope inside. This, though. This is part of the reason why.
This band. This music. These words. They resonate with me, and with so
many people who are struggling and who need to know they are not alone.
This is why I go to every concert I can. (One more this tour!) This is why
I run, work, chill, sleep and breathe this music.
This is a huge part of where the hope comes from.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Tyler & Josh.