"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, February 18, 2006


It's been a good, quiet day for us. We slept in. (Well, most of us did.) We went out for brunch. (Yum!) I had a late afternoon nap & then doodled with Kirsten this evening. Now I'm just waiting for Brandon to come home from the stake dance. I have my blanket, some hot chocolate (it's Erica's fault tonight) and a Norah Jones cd.

Vern went to bed way early. He finally has the icky nausea/tummy bug that has swept through our household this week. I'm just barely feeling better, so he'd better stay far far away from me.

I need to declare some love.
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Nope, this isn't a declaration of my love for roses. (Though I do love 'em.) It's for my brother-in-law Kenyon, who brought me & Kirsten each a rose on Valentine's Day. What a sweetheart.
Thanks Kenyon! Love you!


Kristi said...

April- can I just tell you again, what an INCREDIBLY talented photographer you are. Wow, wow, wow, that is a gorgeous picture of a rose. I wish I lived closer so I could come sit at your feet and learn.

Anonymous said...

Great photo, April...so sweet of Kenyon to bring you both roses!

Loving your new avatar, too!!