"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

CraZy BuSy

Oh my, it has been busy around here. I had a great weekend with my friends. Exactly what I needed. I'm so lucky, I have such a great group of friends. It was so nice to not be mommy for a couple of days, even if that's how long it took me to figure out what to do with myself. lol

Sunday was Brandon's 15th birthday. Truthfully, I came home, handed him a treat and passed out for most of it. (Hey, I didn't get any sleep Saturday night.) He did get some cool gifts though. There's more to come too. :)
It's been sophomore week at the high school. B's been going. He's having fun trying to figure out where his classes are. His favorite part has been the free stuff though. lol Here he is in his t-shirt from today. Lookin' sharp B!

Kirsten started 4th grade on Monday. Her school is year round. Her 9th birthday was yesterday. Besides having her class sing to her on her second day of school there were a few fun surprises in store for her. (Like much-needed new shoes and slurpees with mom.) Mostly a quiet day but a good one.
We've got to get LV in to the dr. for immunizations so that he can start kindergarten too. Then it will just be me and Elijah at home. Maybe then things will feel a little less busy.


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Kirsten and B!

Sounds like school has started off great. :)

Gonna have to tell me all about your mini-vacation April :)

Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

WHAT?!? Kirsten is in 4th grade? Where did the time go?

April said...

No idea Heather. Crazy huh? It's been flying by.

Julie! I'm in TS but nobody else is on. :( My NC account expired - we'll fix that soon.