"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, August 28, 2010

5 miles

I was so excited to try my new neutral-cushioned running shoes at the gym yesterday!
The plan was to push a little harder and try to get 5 miles in under 60 minutes. I did it!! Rather easily actually. I only really pushed a little harder than moderate pace. I never did a full on sprint, just carried a slower run for longer (I ran for just a little over the first mile and the last with solid intervals throughout.) I'm hoping to do the 10K in under an hour, so I have to pick up the pace some more to get another mile in that hour. It feels doable. :)
See those new treads? (lol they look huge. I'm only a size 7. :p) I can't wait to see what they look like after the next few months of training & this run:
Winter Sun 10K
It isn't open for registration yet, but I'll be checking daily. I think/hope Lauren's still planning on doing this with me (since it was initially her idea and all... lol) and I think Vern's planning on doing it too. Unless his shoulder & back keep bugging him. He has mentioned that we need someone to hang out at the finish line with a camera or two... :p We'll see! lol


~Kim~ said...

That's awesome!!! Congrats on your great run! I've been trying to get into the jog/running pattern and I just can't seem to get motivated. Do you run on a treadmill?

April said...

Yeah, it's been way too hot to run on the roads here, so I've been training on the treadmill at the gym. Can't wait for cooler weather so I can see how I do on the road. :)

laurie_lu said...

April I am still in!! :) I know I'm a slacker, but I'm picking up. :) Love the new shoes! Look comfy. I'm debating on getting new ones or not.

Freer Family said...

I would love to run that race with you. I'll have to look into it and see how are December is looking. Yay you for running!
Now, I HAVE to know! Where did you get those shoes?!?! i only run in asics cumulus and I love the 9 series but can now only find 11 or 12. I need these! will you email me or something? nrfreer@lycos.com

Freer Family said...

or maybe those say nimbus? I am going blind, lol!