"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

blackberry blogging

So our home internet is down. :(  It has been almost all day. We're hoping to get it back up some time tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me and for the sanity of my family! I'm using Vern's blackberry to blog. Crazy, huh? Yeah, I know. :p (In there is a super-secret hint to my raiding friends that I'm hoping to be there Thursday night, but as of right now I don't have internet access from home other than this super-sneaky blackberry move. We should be able to get it back up & running, but yeah. Just in case.)

I was also hoping to be blogging with pictures, but under the circumstances I'm just exited to have a way to peek in here at all. So you all get a boring pictureless entry for now, but hey - I figure this is better than nothing. Gives me something to talk about other than the super-hot-100-degree-plus weather I've been walking/running in. :)

We have an appointment with our immigration lawyer tomorrow morning. Thanks to some amazing people we may actually be moving forward with things again. I've learned not to hold my breath in these circumstances, but with things financially set (hugs and so much gratitude to the people responsible for that blessing) and everything that's been asked of Brandon & I in order, things are looking more promising than ever. Wish us luck! Pretty please! :)

So yeah, coming to you from the genius of a smart little phone are some super squishy April hugs!
Have a great day! :)

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