"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Friday, July 23, 2010

no pictures

Yeah, I haven't been playing with my camera at all of late. Will remedy that soon, promise. I did want to peek in and update anyway, but yeah - all I've got is a little time and the ability to type.

We're trying to order long forms of B's & my birth certificates for the immigration stuff. We hit a little snag but I'm hoping we can somehow work through it quickly. (Having been here for so long the number of Canadian citizen professionals I can ask favors of is surprisingly low. Yeah...) 
We need to go do the medical tests again too - we waited too long to be ready to file, so we get to pay the $110 each to get poked & disease-tested yet again. Fun!
People keep asking me how excited I am and I'm not yet. There's still bunches of stress and things needing to be done just to be ready to file the papers to ask for an adjustment of status. So no, not excited yet. Ask me when (if) B & I each have a green card in hand.
Kirsten got a horrible sunburn the last time she went swimming with friends. She's an owie, peeling mess. It's called sunscreen girlie, sunscreen. Especially when planning to spend 8 hours at the pool. :p
We got to poke our heads into ruby sanctum again last night. Go Dissension go! :) It was worth missing the girls night out at the Olive Garden to get to play (and repeatedly die, lol) with my favorite friends. :)
Maiah has 4 new molars just barely through. (Hooray for being able to chew!) All of the rough nights this past month make sense now. Yeah...

Well, it's time to brave the crazy heat & bright sun and get myself over to the gym. Still working on my pace for the 10k, plus I have to work off the yogurt & granola I had for breakfast & the slice of pizza I munched for lunch. Fun fun. :)

Happy Friday!

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