I have decided to post pics from Brandon's wedding in Montana here instead of on facebook for the most part. I don't love that everything you post on facebook becomes their property. My pictures are mine. I also don't love when people steal images (yes that's right, when you right-click on a picture someone else took and copy it you are stealing. It's not nice.) I'd say yes if people asked, I just prefer that they do. Brandon and Christy, you of course can copy anything you want, and Robin, I have an understanding with you too. ;) lol
It was an awesome weekend, I loved being able to see my oldest monkey so happy and enjoyed every minute I spent with them. I love 'em to pieces, and wish 'em the absolute best.
And there are lots more pics, including more shots of all the family who came and the drive through yellowstone. I just wanted to get a few up here for them before I head to work.
...and the pics are bigger than the blog, but I don't have time to fix it. Oh well. :p