"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Sunday, June 28, 2009

weekends are...

...late night pizza orders when you haven't eaten all day.
...slight sunburns from mowing the lawn. (I did almost the whole thing myself though - yay!)
...marathon Dissension raids! Now that was a fun naxx run. I couldn't see straight by the end, but yeah - so awesome. Playing with friends like that is exactly my kind of WoW. :)
...sleeping in. Maiah and I got up at noon. Brandon's still in bed.
...cuddles with the sweetest, cutest little girl around. (I need pictures of her again huh. I'm such a slacker. :p

So I'm craving a doughnut. Lemon filled or chocolate frosted please. And Quiznos broccoli cheese soup of all things. Oooh, in one of their yummy bread bowls. And a diet pepsi. Mmmmmm...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


It feels so good to almost not be sick! Even the horrid headache I had yesterday is gone. Woohoo!
Maiah seems to be feeling better too. Just have to get Ej un-stuffy-headed and maybe get Vern back in for that chest x-ray. :p
I'm headed to celebrate feeling better by getting some work done. These wedding pics have gone so slow with all of the sickies - it's time to get caught back up.
So yeah, just a chillin' kind of day with my littlest kiddos. Trying to help them feel better & celebrating that I'm almost back to 100% myself.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


on my window makes me happy.

I feel the need to spend some time on a blanket in my yard.

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


So yeah, we finally got a bunch of us in to see a doctor yesterday.
Brandon has pneumonia. (And according to the x-ray tech, a suspicious mole on his back.) Poor guy - he's had summer school & spent chunks of last week doing stuff like playing extreme frisbee & hiking in the rain. Perfect, huh?
Maiah has a double owie ear infection. She's been a trooper.
Vern declined the chest x-ray to see if he has pneumonia. He's second-guessing that initial decision, but for now has some prescription meds to help with his cough at night.
I also have some prescription meds - the doctor took one look at my "red, raw, swollen & sticky" throat and tried his best to find some pain meds I can take while nursing to make me comfortable enough to sleep at night. It still hurts even with the meds, but it did help with the achiness & I did sleep some today. :)
Kirsten's eyes are a little less scary red today, and LV's eyes aren't goopy anymore. Ej's doing well & hopefully will stay that way.

So yeah, 2 weeks of sickies & there's the diagnosis. Could be worse. Could feel better. :p

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

so totally...

I am the only person in this house who doesn't have pink eye & we're all still sick. I think I'm getting better though, which is such a blessing. You see, someone has to be willing to take care of everyone, and around here that'd be me. :p Vern stayed home today being all stuffed up, and sat at the computer all day long chugging cold meds. I think he took a 5 minute WoW break once this evening. :p I went and bought more ginger ale & infant tylenol, figured out dinner, fed & took care of a sad sort of baby, woke LV up and got him medicated when he was crying in his sleep (ear infection), did a bunch of laundry (I was completely out of all forms of under-stuff & when I asked Vern to wash our bedding the other day he decided not to include my pillowcases for some reason), got Elijah to sleep (he's in my bed in my spot at the moment though) & just barely got Maiah settled down. (That's why I finally get to sit here.) I did come down here a couple times tonight to check on the boys, bring Vern toast & watch 'em play a bit. Bad idea, since it made me
Yeah, I'm not proud of this one, but I was completely jealous when I was reading over Vern's shoulder tonight. He was just running heroics with friends, but watching wasn't so fun this time. (I sometimes get little pangs of jealousy when I miss out anyway, but tonight was a make-me-cry moment) I've mentioned that I don't get to play so much anymore. And it's okay, new people step up all the time and things keep going. There's this one stranger I'd like to ask a favor of though - she'd just better be taking good care of 'em all. That's all I'm gonna say.
Dude! My hair is falling out! Seriously - every time I brush it, touch it - look at it funny I feel like I end up with a handful. I think it's just stress, but it scares me. I just don't have enough hair to begin with to be losing it in such mass quantities. Kirsten says it isn't doing anything at all noticeable & I see it in pics like this one (the day of Kenyon & Jeannette's wedding) and figure you can't tell I'm shedding but this madness has got to stop.
Yeah, I did say that I was tired. It's no joke. I had a long day. The plan is to log into WoW when I'm done typing though. I'm just going to farm or maybe work on my next 80 (Maiah's turn) but yeah. I'm playing before I sleep. So there.
And that's my queue to go grab me a bottle of water & get crackin' on the WoW thing before I keel over.

'night blog readers! have a good one. :)

...okay so I'm back and so totally

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So we were finally able to get Blizzcon tickets for Vern, Brandon & B's friend Spencer. Such awesomeness! (Got 'em just in time too - the cutoff from Blizzard was today.) So yay, we're headed to CA in August!! Maiah & I are coming along. (I would have loved to be hitting the convention too, but it wouldn't have been the same while entertaining a 7 month old anyway, right?) :p Kirsten's hoping to come and hang out with us girls and it looks like that might work. Just need to find a place for my little boys to be that weekend now. And make it through this week. (It's going to be a tight one with the ticket purchasing and all.) So worth it though!!! Makes for a nice birthday gift for all of our Summer birthdays. I'm especially happy for B though. He was half-joking when he asked if he could go to Blizzcon for his 18th b-day - I'm so exited for him & Spencer to get to go. And some of my favorite wow players & friends live down there - so it'll be awesome to hopefully get to meet 'em. :)

Oooh, speaking of my awesome wow friends, I've been meaning to say thanks for Ari's bronze drake run. I play so little these days that nights like that are just the bestest. :) I keep forgetting I have it even though it's right next to my netherdrake, but yeah - I so love shiny new toys. :) And yeah, gogo April with the noob moves & not turning off your ui for screenshots. lol That's what happens when you play while half asleep. I've never shared one that's shown my ui before. Pretty basic stuff. :p Ari has fewer bars than Lei, Elles, Eri or Arrie. The rest are similar to this I think. Probably just fewer emotes on my less social toons. ;)

Well, another rough night with sick kiddos & this took forever to finish up. :p I'm finally starting to feel better, but Ej gave himself pink eye, B's still hacking away & Vern has finally joined the fun. :p Here's hoping we all get healthy soon.

'night! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

five months :)

Here she is. :)I had Maiah on the floor showing me her moves, but am sad that the pics don't really show it. This baby girl can scoot around like crazy & can even crawl a little. (...before digging her head into the blanket to continue scooting :p) Oh, and a few weeks ago she discovered her tongue. I swear it's her favorite toy. lol Such cuteness.Sorry for the funky lighting, we just opened the back door & watched the storm while letting the light in for these pics. It's a good thing she's so cute - I never have time to play with her pics. :(

Back to work!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

my monkey :)

I just had to share this pic from the other day before doing Maiah's five month blog entry. (She's 5 months today - crazy, huh?!) I need to take some pics of my babe, but for now I'm sharing a funny. :)Yeah, if you look at the pic below you see his little hat. K was laughing so hard - she had him pop up one last time for this shot. lol I love my monkey boy. :)

...Okay so I'm adding a pic of Maiah from that same day because she's sad & I'm all nauseous & headachey, so we're headed for a nap. (Same thing happened yesterday - worked all morning and hung out on vent until about this time. Sitting here just makes me as sad as Maiah sounds & doesn't help at all with the sickies. Gogo blankies & pillows!) So yeah, this is just in case I don't make it back down here today. You get 2 cute munchkins in one post and everything! :)I'll save telling you just how awesome this babe of mine is for when I've done her little 5 month session. Maybe I'll even get to catch her in action. Now that'd be cool. :)

Have a great day!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Today I...

Not feeling so hot, so it's a meme for today. :)

Tell us 10 things about your day...
Today I gave lots of lovin' to a very sad baby. Between teething & her cold she's just not feeling hot. Neither am I. :p
Today I made Elijah cry. (Being in trouble makes him sad, and he swore at his sister. So not cool. ok - I admit I did laugh at first, it was kind of shocking - but yeah - I have no actual tolerance for language or being rude.)
Today Erianna hit 79. 1 more to go!
Today Kirsten said I looked pretty & took a pic of me. I just see how tired I am but love her for trying to show me. :)Today was all rainy and stormy. A good kind of day. Opened my window all the way & napped in the cool breeze. Heaven.
Today I found J on vent. Yay!
Today I spent way too much time in this computer chair & not enough time exercising. There's time to fix that. :)
Today I hit the max daily allowance for my pain pills way too early. My head is trying to explode. o.O
Today I listened to lots of old stuff on youtube.
Aerosmith was played a bunch, then talking to Kirsten she said this one should be my song. Yay, I have a song! :)
Today I worked on wedding pictures a bunch. I still have a whole lot more to do though. :p

I wasn't really counting, but I think that's 10-ish things. I have a crying babe, a treadmill calling my name and some heavy-duty photoshop time ahead of me tonight. Better get moving!

Happy Friday! :)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

feeling woozy

So I'm on like day 6 of feeling woozy and lightheaded, especially when I try to lay down. It sucks - I've felt kind of out of it for months anyway - this just makes it worse. :p
I searched online to see what common causes are and some different things could be the culprit- this is from Wikipedia...

"drop in blood pressure or rapid dehydration from vomiting, diarrhea or fever. Other causes are low blood sugar and anaemia. Light-headedness often accompanies the flu, hypoglycaemia, common cold, or allergies."

So yeah, anemia, blood sugar & blood pressure issues are not new to me. Not being able to lie down for almost a week straight (well, without being all woozy-like) is though.

It isn't helping with the constant case of owies I've had either - one of my molars that I've needed pulled forever has been acting up, so I've been dealing with toothaches on top of my usual headaches. Kinda a mess at the moment huh?

I just want to be allowed to work on fixing this stuff. Dosn't seem like asking too much. :p
For now though I'm going to go have a nap if I can handle laying down. Maybe I'll get to dream about pudding. Mmmmm... Pudding. :)

Monday, June 01, 2009


Hooray for June!

So far this month I have...
cried twice
kissed Maiah a bunch of times
Elijah too.
and LV once.
but not my bigger kiddos.
Now I've kissed B. :D
I spent 40 minutes on my treadmill & got all sweaty.
then I showered. ahhhh...
brushed my teeth once.
I drank 32 oz. of bottled water.
and watched the end of Minority Report.
made one promise (to make more caramel popcorn tomorrow)
thought about pudding. lots.
fed Maiah back to sleep.
took 800 mg of tylenol for my headache.
it didn't work.
came down here once.
to blog.
