"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So we were finally able to get Blizzcon tickets for Vern, Brandon & B's friend Spencer. Such awesomeness! (Got 'em just in time too - the cutoff from Blizzard was today.) So yay, we're headed to CA in August!! Maiah & I are coming along. (I would have loved to be hitting the convention too, but it wouldn't have been the same while entertaining a 7 month old anyway, right?) :p Kirsten's hoping to come and hang out with us girls and it looks like that might work. Just need to find a place for my little boys to be that weekend now. And make it through this week. (It's going to be a tight one with the ticket purchasing and all.) So worth it though!!! Makes for a nice birthday gift for all of our Summer birthdays. I'm especially happy for B though. He was half-joking when he asked if he could go to Blizzcon for his 18th b-day - I'm so exited for him & Spencer to get to go. And some of my favorite wow players & friends live down there - so it'll be awesome to hopefully get to meet 'em. :)

Oooh, speaking of my awesome wow friends, I've been meaning to say thanks for Ari's bronze drake run. I play so little these days that nights like that are just the bestest. :) I keep forgetting I have it even though it's right next to my netherdrake, but yeah - I so love shiny new toys. :) And yeah, gogo April with the noob moves & not turning off your ui for screenshots. lol That's what happens when you play while half asleep. I've never shared one that's shown my ui before. Pretty basic stuff. :p Ari has fewer bars than Lei, Elles, Eri or Arrie. The rest are similar to this I think. Probably just fewer emotes on my less social toons. ;)

Well, another rough night with sick kiddos & this took forever to finish up. :p I'm finally starting to feel better, but Ej gave himself pink eye, B's still hacking away & Vern has finally joined the fun. :p Here's hoping we all get healthy soon.

'night! :)

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