"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

chance of snow

...but no sign of pudding

So yeah, it's all cold & snowy today & I am without my favorite form of comfort. :(

I did snag Ej's spongebob snuggie, and I do have kiddos home on this nice dark day, so I'm thinking I'll just nap away my headache & get me some good Maiah cuddles in.

Yeah. :)

Have a good one!
Ooh, here's some Maiah cuteness for you too. Just in case you needed it. :)

Friday, December 25, 2009


The kiddos are sleeping & the presents are all under the tree. Well, except for the ones that are down here. The Wii and all of it's associated games and accessories are set up down here.
Should be a fun morning. :)

Oh, and I wanted to share a peek at the cake balls Kirsten helped me make before we headed to Nina's. I'm wishing I'd taken some pictures of all of Jill's treats. She went all out and did a great job. I think I had enough goodies to last me a month or so. :pMerry Christmas!
/squishes to all and to all a good night. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I wish you peace.

And love.
And joy.

Oh, and goodies. lol

Merry Christmas, or whatever you may be celebrating :)

Yeah, we're having fun with the little video camera. :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

this weekend...

...we finished buying all of our Christmas gifts.
...and I wrapped them. yay!
...Little Vern has been sick.
...and Kirsten threw the biggest hissy-fit.
...I fell asleep cuddling with my 2 little monkeys.
...I had me a Hires veggie burger for the first time in forever. So yummy!
...I talked to my dad :)
...I had a couple of really good naps.
...and some pudding. :)
...I danced in my kitchen.
...Kirsten did too. :)
...I helped K make bracelets for her friends.
...I didn't get to play wow like I planned. :(
...but I did get me a little bit of play time in :)
...and I got to wander through Ikea. fun!
...it was fricky-brrrr-cold again. not my fave.
...but there was hot chocolate with whipped cream when I got home. yay!

Not such a bad weekend. Hope yours was good too! :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


...another Christmas present. A Flip video camera. Yay!

That took forever to load. Hmmm... Maybe we'll try youtube next time.


I have nothing exciting or fabulous to say at the moment.
I have no pudding either.
I do, however have a picture of Elijah being cute.
That counts for something, right? :)
Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I've been drowning my I-don't-feel-so-hot-ness tonight in cherry cordial creme kisses. I'm enjoying the yum factor but will so be looking for ways to burn 'em off tomorrow. :p

Tonight wasn't all bad. There was some decidedly good stuff going on in spite of my feeling less than stellar.
We bought traps to try to catch the mouse that's been driving me crazy upstairs. He's so in trouble now. :p
Vern ordered me the sweaterdress that I really really really wanted from Victoria's Secret for Christmas. Yay! (I hope it fits. I've never bought, um, regular clothes from there before. :p) And yesterday I got a necklace I fell in love with. I must've been a good girl this year. :)
Had some fun chillin' with my kiddos. Ej was such cuteness having a turn playing on Vern's laptop. He's such a little gamer. :p Maiah loved helping him, as always. He's not always a fan of such things.:p
I had some yummy gourmet veggie pizza for dinner tonight. I so love a good veggie pizza.
We're almost done with Christmas shopping. Hooray! We've kept it nice & simple, but the kiddos are going to be happy. Can't wait to watch 'em on Christmas morning.
Today was not as cold as yesterday. It's still fricky-brr-cold, just not as bad. I'm surviving - I have my green blankie. :)
Devan came over and reset the breakers so that all of my kitchen outlets & lights work again. Yay!
I folded the entire mountain of clean laundry earlier. That was quite an accomplishment!
All of this and thoughts of pudding, a fabulous nap, cuddles with Maiah, a visit from Lauren, an e-mail from an old friend and of course my cherry kisses.
Yeah, not so bad at all. My headache meds just need to kick in, my out-of-it-ness needs to pass and you know, actually sleep sounds good.

Okay, so I seriously need to put away these kisses. I just counted 12 wrappers on my desk. o.O And um, a drink of water would be good. :p And then I'll brush my teeth and find my pillow.


'night blogland!

Friday, December 11, 2009

one for Friday

I'm sitting here with Maiah trying to figure out if I actually have something to say today. :p I'm not sure that I do. lol Maybe I'll just share some pics again. We have a working scanner again... lol Here's some random oldies. :)

Vern & I on our wedding day.
Aw... Lauren & I when I first came to Utah.And Kori & Kenyon too. lolThis one makes me laugh. Me at Kirsten's age-ish. I think.Then there's the one shot I have of me as a teen. lolHappy Friday!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

5 people 1 camera

We had some fun playing with my camera on Sunday. Yeah it's a lot of pictures. I love my kiddos. :) Just need to get B to play next time. Aw, there was munching again. Click for unmunched versions. I hope :p
Have a great day! :)

Friday, December 04, 2009

so yeah

My kiddos have been sick for 2 weeks.
Elijah's still fighting bronchitis & Maiah's still a snot factory.
Little Vern and Kirsten are finally back at school.
I thought I'd managed to skip this one.
Not so much.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Happy December!

This just might be the closest thing to sending out cards that I get to do. Of course, if I were actually sending cards there'd be a picture of my kiddos all bundled up or in front of the tree or something & the card would be from the whole family. Here on my blog though I get to wish you all sweet, peaceful holidays just from little old me. :)
Aw, and as always there was blogger munching. sigh. Pretty bad this time. Even after clicking. Might just have to try and fix that. :p

Happy December!