"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Sunday, February 28, 2010

crazy fast weekend

AH! It's kind of Sunday already & I've been meaning to blog all weekend. Time flies so fast it's crazy.
I'm all excited for the gold medal hockey game tomorrow. Go Canada! Rawr!
Kirsten & I agree that it isn't right how a girl tends to feel prettiest at the worst possible times - like when you're headed to bed & nobody's going to see you. lol :p Case in point - I worked out so hard tonight, was all sweaty & just in basketball shorts & a tank top, ponytailed up & went to brush my teeth - felt the prettiest I had all day. K & I will have to do one of our quick little photo shoots before bed some day. :)
Speaking of photo shoots, I wanted to get some pics of Maiah today, but she had a super-duper-long-nap & we were running out of light so Kirsten & I played instead. So instead you get some better shots of the blonde stripey-ness. I will get some shots of princess beautiful soon, I promise. My blog needs a dose of her cuteness. :)(Agh - a little munched. My poor skin. lol Bad blogger!)

So yeah, raid tomorrow/tonight! (depends on how you look at it :p)
Oh and guess what? I went down a jeans size! yay! :) All my jeans have been a little loose lately, so I tried on an old pair a size smaller, and voila! I was so excited. :)

Yeah, that's all I've got. Exciting, I know. :p

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4.5 minutes

...left of light when I saw that Laurie asked for pics of K's hair.

Kirsten had to head to basketball practice, so we hurried with those last moments of light - this is what I got. :)

5 days

It's been 5 days since I last blogged?! Ooops.

I'm finally getting over my sickies. Hooray!
It's brrrrrrr cold out today again. Sunny though. :)
Kirsten's hair is black! We dyed it Sunday night. There will be pictures as soon as she's available to be in some. :)
Maiah's getting so big! I need to take some pics of her to share.
We're on Festergut & Rotface in ICC. Go us! :)

So yeah, I've just been walking, trying to sleep & working on getting better. I'll post pictures of cute kiddos as soon as I have some. :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

tagged :)

Laurie tagged me with a 4 things meme thingee.
Here goes!

4 Things I like to watch:
the winter olympics!
2. American Idol
4. two and a half men

4 Things I am passionate about:
1. my kiddos
2. becoming a legal American resident
3. photography
4. becoming more independent

4 Words or Phrases I say a lot

1. frick
2. whatever
3. yummy

4. how's that working for you?

4 Things I learned from the Past
1. People matter most.
2. There's always a reason to smile.
The little things add up to way more than the big things do.
4. Attitude is everything.

4 Places I like to go

1. the beach
2. walking in any pretty neighborhood
3. Cafe Rio

4. the gym

4 Things I did yesterday

1. sleep
2. cry
3. watch the olympics
4. cuddle with my kiddos

4 Things I am looking forward to:

1. raid tonight!
naptime :p
3. warmer weather :)
4. being legal!

4 Things I love about winter:

1. hot chocolate
2. my boots!
3. Christmas lights
4. fresh, pretty snow

4 Things on my wish list:
1. B & I becoming legal.

2. a trip home to visit my family
3. a vachon flakey. mmmmmm... ooh, and a Jamaican patty. :)
Pudding. Lots and lots of pudding.
Oh, and I'm supposed to tag 4 people, but I never do that part. :p If you're reading this and wanna play, do it :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


...still sick
...woke up with the worst headache ever
...ended up in bed all day
...so very, very owie :(
...we have no water til Friday
...should be fun?!
...lol not really
...watched Shaun White on the halfpipe from bed
...such awesomeness!!
...watched American Idol too
...no favorites there yet
...headache's finally lifting
...so here I am :)
...oh, and here's a shot of the hair...not the best flip still, but kinda shows my blonde stripey-ness :)
...so lovin' it!
...happy Wednesday! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

sick :(


I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's day weekend.
I did.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

two words

...happy Thursday!
...raid tonight!
...blonde tomorrow! :)
...kinda nervous
...sore throat :p
...kiddos too :(
...brrrrr cold
...pretty baby
...sleepy mommy
...sweet cuddles
...wii sports
...uh, yeah...
...that's today :)

Monday, February 08, 2010

a few days

So it's been a few days. I have a little catching up to do.

Let's see...
Elijah has had no problems with all of the dental work he had done. Yay!
And Kenyon & jeannette brought us down some Aggie's ice cream on Friday. Mmmmmm...
I haven't been sleeping much at all lately. Made it so I got some good WoW time in on Saturday. Was nice to talk to R - it had been awhile. He totally made my day. :)
I actually watched the superbowl game yesterday. And enjoyed it. That's new. :)
The younger kiddos all watched it with me in my room. There were dogpiles, tickles & such to be had while we watched. :)
Been trying hard not to think so much about pudding. It totally backfires though and makes for an April with a sick, sad kind of tummy.
Yeah I haven't felt so good of late. :(
But hey, I've lost 5 lbs since I got my new scale just a couple weeks ago. Go me!
And I wore my boots again on Saturday. I love my boots! lol
Vern stayed home from work today. Well, he's been working from home. I think he'd do that every day if he could. He seems to like not getting dressed. lol
There might be a raid tonight since there wasn't one yesterday.
I hope we get to go. I could use a dose of fun. :)
And, um yeah. I think that's it.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 05, 2010

good stuff

Elijah had his oral surgery today. I'm so excited for him to have his "owie teeth" taken care of. I took some flips, but haven't been able to download 'em yet. He's a brave boy - he did so awesome. :)

Yesterday was a good day too. We went to a wedding reception in the early evening & I finally got to wear my sweaterdress. :) I feel kind of self conscious in it - with dresses I tend to buy 'em a little bigger than most of me needs in order for 'em to, um, not be too tight in certain areas. :p And it's a chunky sweater, so I feel like it -you know, adds some chunk. Yeah. :p I was assured I looked fine all night though, and Vern was teasing me when we walked through Gateway mall about guys checking me out, so hopefully it's just me being a girl. :p
Doesn't matter - I love it and will wear it chunky-ish or not. :p And I totally love my boots. :)

We made it home from the reception in time to raid. Was an awesome night for our little guild - we all made it & were finally able to down a boss in ICC. Go us!Yeah, good stuff. I hope that those of you reading this have some good stuff going on of your own. :)


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

some of what I never talk about

So I was thinking maybe I was going about this wrong, and I'm hoping I still am. I've been waiting for 13 years for Vern to be willing/able to sponsor me so that I could adjust my status from illegal alien to permanent resident, right? (Brandon & I filled out all the right forms, got our certified medical exams and have been waiting again for the last few years. I know for sure money is a current reason for waiting - not sure if that's all there is to it.) As a permanent resident you get a visa - you're allowed to work. So... I thought maybe you don't need to apply for residency first - maybe there's a way to apply for a visa so that we could at least work/go to school while we wait. So my new twist on the same old research began.

The first paragraph I'm about to share says exactly what I've been reading all along. I get a visa when I apply for an adjustment of status. For which I need a sponsor.
Who could be Vern, but for whatever reasons that I'll never fully understand has yet to happen. And may never happen.

"Aliens already living in the U.S.
, including certain undocumented immigrants, temporary workers, foreign students, and refugees, file an application for adjustment of status (to legal permanent residence) with the Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). At the time they apply for adjustment of status, applicants may also apply for work permits. New legal immigrants are automatically authorized to work and should receive alien registration cards ("green cards") after becoming legal permanent residents"

Everything I look up, no matter where I look or what I'm searching for comes back to these same basics. We need a sponsor. Would make sense for Vern to be that sponsor. We need to apply for an adjustment of status to permanent resident in order to get a work visa. (Exactly the forms we filled out more than 2 years ago, complete with the required medical exams.) Yeah, the immigration lawyer we spoke to back then besides talking to me like I was a diseased mole for being here illegally in the first place made it sound like an ominous process. (Why am I always the bad guy? I was admittedly young and stupid when I hopped in the car with Vern and very few personal belongings thinking that he knew what he was doing and that I'd be a legal resident & eventually a citizen as his wife. 13 years and 4 American kiddos later I'm less trusting and still Canadian. If I can even claim that after not having stepped foot there in 13 years. Anyway... :p) We had to have people sign certified letters stating that our marriage has been real. (Um, 13 years, 4 kids...? Yeah. Though we're still missing a letter.) And there are separate interviews we have to "pass" in order for the adjustment process to go through. As far as I've been able to determine so far, this is the only avenue to becoming legal from within the US.

Everything I've been told, everything I've researched says that there is no way to apply for any sort adjustment or visa ourselves from within the US. Period. We need a sponsor. Period. I'm trying to find out if that's true. I have 4 American children. I've lived here, married to an American citizen for 13 years. I'm healthy, educated & willing/able to work.
I've been waiting for Vern to help me for 13 years. I would so love to be able to do this for Brandon & myself. I'd love to, for once, not have to depend on someone else. In my heart of hearts I figure there has just got to be a way (that doesn't require us being millionaires) for Brandon & I to belong to the same country as the rest of our family. People immigrate here all of the time. In the time I've lived here I've seen several people complete the process. Our circumstances may not be the same, but yeah. I figure that there has got to be a plus side to having lived here for so long. If there is I hope to find it. I'll keep scouring lawyers' websites for information. There's got to be someone that can help us. I hope.

I would like to be able to visit my family in Toronto. I would like to show my kiddos where I grew up and introduce them to my family. I would like to, as I said, belong to the same country as my kiddos. I would love for B to be able to go to college, both of us to be able to drive, and you know - live normal lives. There are very few people out there who fully understand what it's like to live like we'd lived for so long. Most don't get it.

I've struggled with depression. I've struggled with watching my kiddos need things and having no way to help provide for them. Being an adult who isn't legally allowed to make money sucks. (I'm sure being Vern and trying to do it all himself has sucked too - though he's had, I feel, more choice in the matter.) I have no current I.D. I can't fly, drive, vote, win or be compensated for anything. I've never pretended to be okay with my situation. Just ask Vern. lol

All because I made a mistake 13 years ago and came here without finding out the proper procedures first. It was stupid of me to just trust that Vern knew what he was doing and would do the right thing by Brandon & I and not have more information when I moved here. And then I waited, and hoped, and prayed - then waited some more. I'm kind of done waiting. :p

I'll go back to my memes and flips. :) I just had a frustrating morning looking through sites and forms on a subject that makes me want to cry & leads me to the same stuff every time. Feels good to say something. A little scary too. Who knows, maybe something good will come of it. Maybe one of you knows something I don't.
If so, please share. :)