"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, August 13, 2011

birthday cake for breakfast

Okay, so it freaks me out just a little that my oldest child is 20 years old. But he is. Today! Happy birthday Brandon!

My B is such an awesome young man with so much going for him. I'm totally excited to see him finally getting the chance to do something for himself - to move forward with his life. He just wants a job for now, and has some travel plans - but he's hoping to land in AZ and go to school there. I think it's a great choice and am so proud of him.

 I love you Brandon! Hope you have an awesome birthday, and an even more fabulous year ahead. I'm so totally cheering you on. :-)

I have to dig out an old picture or two for his post - sorry no ps yet. :p

I love you! Happy birthday!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I sent him a message for his bday. I can't believe that 20 years have passed April! Give him the biggest hug from me! Love you bunches!! xoxoxo