Yeah, sorry - I have no pictures to blog with. All I have is a tired, sweaty & sore me. Sounds like a good night for a meme or something, huh. :p
A fun shopping trip should involve these three stores:
um, Target for random stuff, Victoria's Secret for girlie stuff and Buckle with Kirsten.
Bet you didn't know I ____ .
uh, hmmmm... surf online in bed if I can't sleep.
Can't live without...
gym time, pudding & kisses :)
Describe your current outfit:
comfy! Just black shorts & a gray t-shirt.
Every day I...
brush my teeth. steal monkey cuddles. breathe.
Favorite flowers:
calla lilies & tulips
Get me to the ____ on time!
Have never been ____ but would like to.
skydiving! on a cruise! anywhere tropical. :p
I love ____.
Just don't ask me to ______.
stay calm when dealing with spiders, mice or snakes. ...but mostly spiders. o.O
Kisses or hugs?
both, but lots of kisses :)
Let's go _____!
swimming?! dancing?! to the beach!!! :)
Magazines I enjoy:
Runner's World, Popular Photography, Self & Cosmo.
Name at birth:
April Joy Crouch
Old friends will tell you I've always been ______.
Please don't make me...
cry :(
Quote to live by:
Any of the ones on my blog are good, but the obvious favorite is "If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it." ~Immanuel Hermann Fichte
Reasons for smiling today:
monkey hugs, morning conversations, feeling pretty, being the good kind of sore :)
Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. (They're both pretty, but I'm not a morning person by nature. :p)
Take me to...
the gym!
Useless info about me:
I like crisp bean burritos, hickory sauce & chipotle-flavored anything. :)
I am Very _____:
um, quiet? shy. affectionate!
Waist size:
gotta check ...almost 29 inches o.O
eXtra _____. Hold the______.
oooh, um extra hot sauce. hold the ketchup.
You've gotta love my _____.
monkeys! :)
my perfect slice of pizZa has...
lots of veggies! oh, and don't skimp on the cheese. :p