So yeah. Maiah's been dealing with allergic reactions of late. After a rough night last night she broke out in hives pretty bad this evening. I'm not sure what she's reacting to, but I ran to buy some benadryl and it seems to be helping a bit. She's still splotchy, her eyes are all red & bugging her, and she's still acting like her tongue is itchy. Poor thing - it's looking like it's going to be another rough night. :p
I'm itchy too - 2 more spider bites for me. Woohoo! Not nearly as sad as my baby girl. I'm tired though. Very very tired.
There's just so much going on right now, and Vern reminded me tonight that it's all my problem.
He had a long day at work, and came home to the pizza I ran to get for dinner, the splotchy sad baby I ran to get meds for and the panic between Kirsten & I trying to get her registered for jr. high in time. Then there was me wondering what's taking 2 of the 3 ladies who were supposed to get letters signed & notorized for my immigration stuff so long to get back to us & stressing over a letter from our bank informing me that my status as a non-immigrant is an IRS issue & I'd need to fill out some forms if we wished to keep our account from being taxed an extra 28% because my name is on it with Vern's?!
(We opened the account during our honeymoon & it has never been an issue until I recieved this confusing letter yesterday. Anyway, yeah - a little stressful).So after being home a few minutes he asked who was going to do the dishes that so badly need to get done. When I reminded him that it's been his turn for the last couple of days (he should have done them last night) he looked at me and said they were my problem - I should take him out of the rotation.
(The whole idea was his by the way, and he's the only person who doesn't do it on his turn.) You see, he works. In fact he informed me that he worked 13 hours today. When he gets home it's his right to sit at his computer and do nothing for the rest of the night/weekend. I was told tonight "I worked 13 hours today so that we can go to CA next weekend." It's true. He did. But you know what my response was? Just help make me legal please. If I were allowed to work I would totally help out. I'd actually love to pay for my own trip. I'd love to at least have the right to try. So would Brandon for that matter. All he wants is to be able to work & go to school. Neither of which is going to happen any time soon. Hey, if we were legal we could get IDs that would allow us to fly there, or liscences that would allow us to drive without him if he's so put out about the trip in the first place. Then he could totally take himself out of that equation.
All I was asking at the time of our little discussion was if he was willing to follow up with the 2 ladies that have held on to those letters for a month, and if he thought that it would be okay to cash the money order that my dad sent for my kiddo's birthdays at the bank, since the money order is in my name which apparantly is suddenly an issue.
My problem.
He already worked today.
He loves holding that stuff over my head. The problem is that it doesn't mean very much to me when I'm not given the opportunity to do the same. :p
I sound like a cranky, frustrated wife huh. :p It's just that I had a long day too. And mine isn't over. In fact, if tonight goes anything like last night I will be up until 5 am or so with a sad little girl. And apparantly I have some dishes to catch up on again, since those who work outside of the home are exempt from helping with that. It's okay. Kirsten will help me. We should finish signing the papers for her school too. And tomorrow is K's birthday - I'd like to do something (though I don't know what that is just yet.) And it would be really good if I could work on Jeannette & Kenyon's pictures sometime soon. I would like to get those done before we head to CA.
It's looking iffy :( I've spent less time working on them this week than I'd like to admit.
So excuse me for asking for help Vern. You're right - you work & I don't. You are the one making it so that we can pay for things like our little trip for B's birthday.
B actually has tried to work for it for months now, but that's another story. Guess I'm just playing around at not-so-important things like running out to get stuff for dinner, comforting kiddos & making sure you can eat your cereal out of a clean bowl in the morning. My apologies. I'd better stop sitting here though. Maiah needs me and Kirsten & I should get cracking on those dishes sometime soon. :p