"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, August 28, 2010

5 miles

I was so excited to try my new neutral-cushioned running shoes at the gym yesterday!
The plan was to push a little harder and try to get 5 miles in under 60 minutes. I did it!! Rather easily actually. I only really pushed a little harder than moderate pace. I never did a full on sprint, just carried a slower run for longer (I ran for just a little over the first mile and the last with solid intervals throughout.) I'm hoping to do the 10K in under an hour, so I have to pick up the pace some more to get another mile in that hour. It feels doable. :)
See those new treads? (lol they look huge. I'm only a size 7. :p) I can't wait to see what they look like after the next few months of training & this run:
Winter Sun 10K
It isn't open for registration yet, but I'll be checking daily. I think/hope Lauren's still planning on doing this with me (since it was initially her idea and all... lol) and I think Vern's planning on doing it too. Unless his shoulder & back keep bugging him. He has mentioned that we need someone to hang out at the finish line with a camera or two... :p We'll see! lol

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I walked to the gym today in spite of the heat, my sickies & generally feeling like crap of late. (I think the general ickiness is the new bp meds.) Yeah, I'm stubborn like that. :p By the time I got to the gym a nasty headache was brewing & I didn't feel so good. Any time I put forth even minimum exertion I felt like I was going to pass out. So I took it slow & kept it to the absolute minimum. (The couches looked awesome, but I'm stubborn, remember?) I was happy to get home to my bed without ever actually passing out - just shaky and unable to focus or stand up well.
Little Ceasars made the kiddos dinner. Yay!
Now here I am, blogging quickly from the comfort of my bed, needing to try to sleep off the massive headache that's making me want to cry, feeling bad that I'm not up to raiding & wishing Maiah needed a nap too. :p
I don't know if today was because of my cold, my new meds, the heat or what - but I sure hope it passes quickly.


6 days

I haven't blogged in almost a week?! Time for a 6 day catch up.

Kirsten started school today. She seemed excited. :)
I didn't sleep last night, so I was up and able to help her have a good hair day. Yay!
I'm still sick though, and so are Elijah & Maiah. Not my favorite thing ever. :p
I had big plans to play my games last night, but ended up going to the gym a little later than usual. It worked out great as far as the gym went - Lauren came! Yay!
So Brandon didn't sleep last night either. I'm trying to let him sleep today. My little monkeys are loud though, not sure how well it's working. :p
The immigration stuff seems to be at a small standstill for the moment. Hoping things start rolling again. :p
The boys will be off track one more week. They go back on the 7th. Back to early mornings. Yay?! 
 I woke up from my morning nap wanting pudding something fierce. I had a Fuze & some awesome Maiah cuddles instead. :)
Ouch, it's already 3? I need to get running. I did a load of dishes after my shower, but still have stuff  I wanted to do before heading to the gym. I have to go a little earlier today - hoping for a dissension raid tonight!

Friday, August 20, 2010

it works! it works!

Our internet was down for most of yesterday, forcing the kiddos to do things like play the wii & watch (non-netflix) movies and making me miss raid night. Bummer. 
The last time I blogged I mentioned that there were things I wanted to say, but then my sit-here window ran out after the Lagoon report, so yesterday while 'net-less I started typing some of the little things worth saying. I typed 'em on a picture, because I'm like that. Yeah. I had like a bazillion people on my mind, not the least of which were the monkeys climbing on me while I typed, so if something I said feels like it was aimed at you it probably was. :) (Oh, and it was the day after a very bad day and I was sad to be missing a dissension raid night, so yeah - I might have been a little moody. :p)

*As with all blogger-resized pics click for actual size & less-wonkiness! Um... nevermind, even after clicking it looks all pixilated on here. Sadness. :(

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I am so unbelievably tired tonight, but there are things I want to say.

First, I want to announce that my kiddos had a blast at Lagoon on Monday - it was 12 hours of insane heat & craziness. Brandon's stamp got sunburned onto his arm, Maiah found a love of boats and managed to go without a nap all day, Vernie kept up with Brandon & Kirsten - going on the coasters/thrill rides all day, I dabbled with "big kids" & helped with the little monkeys, Kirsten got wetter than wet on rattlesnake rapids and Vern managed to make it all the way until 10 pm like we'd hoped.
Maiah & Ej boat ride:
Brandon & Kirsten doing re-entry:
(aw, wonkyness ensues - will get this fixed asap)
Fave rides were: B - Re-entry, Elijah - the dragonfly, Maiah - boats!, Kirsten - Samurai & Re-entry tied, Vernie - Colossus & Wicked, April - Samurai and Vern didn't seem to mind getting wet on rattlesnake rapids too much. :p
The Samurai (a couple random youtube vids since I didn't think to have someone get us on there):

One of my faves, Wicked:
Oh, B did get us on rattlesnake rapids:

Yeah, Vern's work Lagoon day ended up being a bunch of fun. :)

There were other things I wanted to share tonight, but my cute little monkey/helper is wanting cuddles so off I go.


Sunday, August 15, 2010


...and so very beautiful!

I love you Kirsten. Hope you have an amazing sort of day. :)

Friday, August 13, 2010


Yeah, my first babe is not exactly a baby anymore. I'm so grateful that he is who he is. He's had more than his fair share of not-so-fun stuff thrown at him and is just the most fantabulously wonderful person. It's not my fault - he was born awesome. :)

Happy birthday Brandon! I love you so much. :)

(Oh, and thanks for the pic, even though it's not your favorite. We'll have to get a new one with the haircut. ;))

Friday, August 06, 2010

Hooray for Friday!

This week flew right by. 
Elijah has been loving his first week of school. His teacher is awesome, and he's doing really well. I'm still adjusting to the early mornings, but yeah - I do have Elijah to wake me up. :p
We got all of the medical stuff done for the immigration process. Now we're just waiting on my birth certificate, which is on it's way. Hooray! :)
We're going to go see Grown Ups tonight with Lauren & Ty. Can't wait - I heart Adam Sandler! :)
Kirsten had fun at girls' camp this week. Now she has Oakcrest to get ready for. Fun stuff! Oh, and I need to get some pics of her new hair. (Special thanks to aunt Beth for being so awesome and getting that done for her - was much needed and much appreciated.)
I woke up today wanting pudding so bad & have none. :(
There will be ice cream tonight before the movie though! lol
The kiddos get out of school early on Fridays. It's already almost time to go get Elijah!
It's been so muggy/hot/stormy lately. Not my favorite walking weather. :p

Happy Friday!
Have a great weekend. :)

Monday, August 02, 2010


Can you guess how old I am today?

yeah, I'm so not tellin'...

Let's just say that I'm old enough to have learned a few things...

Like how to hold on, and how to let go,

and what's really, really, really...

...the most important.

Yeah, I've been around a little bit...

I've laughed, I've danced, I've watched my babies grow a little faster than I'd like...
I've had a few birthdays. :)