"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Friday, July 09, 2010

smile, it's Friday!

 Sorry I haven't been blogging this week. Sometimes life gets going and I don't sit down at my computer as much. Crazy, I know. Just been up to the usual stuff - playing with kiddos, going to the gym, a small amount of gaming, lots of pudding cravings, summer walks and such.
We were without power for a large chunk of last night. There was a fire in the neighborhood that we figured was to blame for the outage - there were trucks there and traffic was diverted all night. We found candles, flashlights and Settlers of Catan - so we survived. The kiddos did declare that life without electricity is boring. lol I was just bummed to not be raiding. I look forward to raid nights and yesterday I think especially so since we didn't get to go over the weekend.
I picked out some frames for my glasses and get to order them today. I'm actually all excited this time around. I really liked what I picked, and I hope that having something I'll wear will help with my headaches.
Thanks to Lauren I started training to run a 10k. There are a few coming up in the area over the next couple of months that might work - just waiting to hear from her what works for her. I'm all excited to try something new there too. Adding purpose that's both fun and challenging to my workouts works for me. C'mon Lauren - don't back out on me now... :)

Well, I have some hungry kiddos, the sun is shining & it's Friday! All good reasons to get moving and get started with my day. I hope you all have a great one! 

1 comment:

Robin said...

Sounds amazing sis!!! I love you bunches and bunches!! xoxoxo