"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Sunday, November 28, 2010

the weather outside is frightful

...but my pomegranate is delightful! (Cheesy, I know. I can't help it. :D)
As was my banana bread (with milk!) that I had for breakfast. Such yumminess. 
...And my house still smells like the pumpkin pies I made. So yeah, I'm surrounded by yummy things. 
I just wish it weren't so very cold outside. It has snowed all day too. Crazy I tell you. 
I did finally kick my 2.5 day headache, and I think my cold is easing up. Yay! I need to get healthy quick. 
I can't believe the 4th is almost here - I've had the least/worst training these last couple of weeks seeing as I've felt like crud and all, but my 10k is in 6 days. I'm just a little nervous at this point. o.O
Please oh please let me at least be able to sleep a little this week. (I've been dealing with insomnia again too. I literally am awake in bed all damn night. It's so frustrating, because it doesn't help my headaches or my cold at all and I'm just constantly exhausted. Yeah...)
I'm hoping we get to raid tonight - I haven't seen my wow friends in days. :(
I'm hoping to put my tree up tonight too. I was going to do it last night, but  had no help and I didn't want to have to drag everything upstairs by myself. :p


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