"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, October 09, 2010

those must've been some deep squats...

So yeah, last night's workout was an awesome one. I ran well & killed it on the legs session. Today I'm really feeling it, especially in the, um, glutes. :)
lol Yeah, those must have been some killer squats. :p

Today we went up to the Draper temple to run. Each lap around the block there is half a mile, and it's sloped both uphill & downhill - the perfect place to train for Moab. I kind of had a wimpy go at it today though. Not because my butt hurt (which it did) or because I was distracted by the wedding party at the temple, the kids on little battery operated vehicles or the beautiful houses (all of which are part of that neighborhood) - but because I did not wear the right bra. Uh, yeah. So owie. :( I wanted to test my newest "sports bra" and it's no better than the ones I've tried before. They just aren't made for girls like me. :p I'll go back to my tried and true the next time I head out. And as for last night, feeling yesterday's workout is always a good thing, but maybe some extra-good stretching is in order the next time I decide to kill it on a lower body session. o.O

Time to get off this heating pad & get into the shower. Vern & I are headed out to celebrate our 14th anniversary. Crazy, huh. 14 years, 4 kiddos & a handful of addresses later. :) I'm so hungry too, and we're headed to one of my favorite places to eat in salt Lake. Wonder if anyone will care if I bring my heating pad to sit on. lol ...mostly kidding. :p

have a great day!


Micki Smith said...

APRIL! I was going through some pages I had saved and found you - and am happy to have gotten an update on you (sad as it is) and to see new pictures. You look just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I'm going to look more closely at how your recent past has treated you but so happy to have "found" you again. :)

April said...

Micki! (**hugs**)
It's good to be found! I've missed you. :)