"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Catching Up

Wow, it's been days since I last blogged. Let's see, what's been going on?
Friday: Kirsten's patriotic program (held at an outdoor pavillion) was wonderful. She sang her solo beautifully, acted her part well and danced her heart out. What a great way to close the performances for this year. Here she is getting ready to head onstage.
Saturday: We played a bunch with Julie & Kyle. That's my kind of day!

Sunday: There was a big Petersen family barbeque for Mother's Day & my FIL's birthday. It was a nice way to spend most of the day. The only bad thing about Sunday was that I didn't get to talk to my mom. I'd been looking forward to it all week and then it didn't happen. I thought about her all day and hope that she had a great day and somehow knew I was missing her and thinking about her. In all the years we've lived so far apart I've never missed the Mother's Day phone call. :( Hopefully she'll understand and we'll get to talk soon.

Today was another hot, Summery sort of day. We finally broke down and let the kids run through the sprinkler. They had a blast. Vern got the swamp cooler up and running, which made a nice difference in the house too.
There's just handful of days left of school for the kiddos. I'd say we're ready for some Summer fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey April,

Your sister gave me your blog a while ago and while this is the first time I have left a comment I must admit I have snooped more then a few times.

Your photographs are almost as beautiful as your children and I am very happy to see you and your family are doing well.

It looks absolutely peaceful in Utah.

Well that is way more words than I am used to speaking so take care.


April said...

Sharon! Holy cow, how fun!

I've loved all of the pics my sis has been able to share with me of all of you guys. It's been so much fun to see everyone again. :)

Man, I've got to get back to Toronto for a visit.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

she's so pretty april!

Anonymous said...

Kirsten is getting SO BIG! The boys better watch out, this one's a heart breaker!