"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Friends and Photographs

So after being grumpy all day yesterday because I coudn't play WoW, I could if I wanted to right now but I'm here instead. :p I am such a moody girl. lol
You know, I've said this before and will likely say it again - it's not really about the game, it's about the people you play with. Last night Vern was in AQ with his guild laughing his head off on vent. He needed that. At the same time I was upset and Jody had me smiling in no time. (Muah!) Then this morning I logged in and was greeted with much needed hugs from a friend. (Thanks monkey!)
Yep, it's about the people more than anything.
I log onto the squirrely boards for girl talk (been slacking there lately, sorry!) and I log into WoW to play and hang out. Don't get me wrong, the game itself is fun, but much less so without cool people to play it with.

Oh, and speaking of cool - I'm so excited to announce that my camera seems to be working. Yay! Vern went to pictureline yesterday & bought some new batteries for it. (The biggest problem it had been having was that it'd just randomly shut down, even with a newly charged battery in it, I was hoping we just needed new ones - the ones we had were a few years old.) Anyhow I charged 'em up and was able to take pictures of my tree last night. (No, I didn't sleep again. Missed an important call and stayed up much of the night hoping they'd call back. Took lots of tree pictures... lol) So, with four days 'til Christmas I'm ready to capture all of the new memories.

Well, I really should go exercise and at some time today I should see if Elijah will nap with me. I might log into WoW to see if Jody's on and if Eric got the pictures we sent. Maybe do some pvp - been slacking there.

Pictures coming soon! Yay! Blogging is much more fun with pictures. :)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yes, I have definitely been missing April pictures- you are seriously so talented!!