"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Uh hunh

Well thank you mr. groundhog for officially announcing today that I will be remaining frozen-brrr-cold for 6 more weeks. I couldn't possibly have figured that out without your furry little help. lol

I think I'll celebrate tonight's snowstorm with some hot chocolate & some cuddles with my babe. Poor Elijah is still really stuffy, and I'm not feeling so hot myself.

Happy groundhog day blog readers!


Anonymous said...

So are you saying you weren't surprised? lol It's been cold here too.

Christy said...

Hope you are feeling better! Sorry about the 6 more weeks of winter. If it makes you feel any better, we are up and down here in the south! I wish it would stay cold or warm!