"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 entries in 1 day?!

Crazy, I know. But I got my weekly pregnancy newsletter in my inbox & thought I'd share where I'm kinda at right now. It's been awhile. :)
27 weeks
Considering I felt like I looked kinda puffy in some recent pictures & can so relate to the aches and pains type stuff I guess I'm right on target. I haven't been friends with my scale in awhile, but we'll see how I've been doing on the 8th, at my next appointment. (I'll also get to schedule the 3 hour glucose stuff with the lab. Pokey pokey pokey... Yay?! :p)
Hopefully just because I feel like I'm growing overly humungous doesn't mean that I actually am. :p I'll be watching the puffy/swelling thing & the weight gain closely though.

Back to helping with some 6th grade homework. There's been a LOT of it lately. :p
Happy Tuesday evening! :)

owies, sunburns 'n snifflies.

I think I can safely say that I've learned the hard way to stay away from frying pans while pregnant. :p This latest burn is from making grilled cheese sandwiches the other day. It goes nicely with the 3 I got recently while making sausage. :p This one's still blistering days later though, and still kinda hurts. Bummer.

My kiddos & I have been enjoying the weather lately, snifflies and all. We even went back to that park this Sunday. We came home a little sunburnt & tired, but it's been a fun way to spend our Sunday afternoons.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Saturday!

I actually slept last night, without ever waking up in pain. Yay! I even slept in a little this morning. My favorite. :) It's all sunny out today & my kiddos are asking if we can walk to that park we went to last weekend. I just might take 'em. :) To add to the goodness I have some old No Doubt going while I sit here. Gogo Bathwater!

I wanna be quick with this entry, since there's lots I need to get done today. Meme time!
Some smiles for Saturday:

It's a beautiful day. :)
Elijah kissed me first thing this morning. :)
I have cinnamon almonds. Yum. :)
Vern actually doesn't have to work today. Means we can get more stuff done. :)
Kirsten's reading to Elijah right now. :)
My bedding is in the wash. I so love crawling into a fresh, clean bed. :)
LV's cleaning up the toy room like a good boy. It so needed it. :p
I might be able to catch Jason on vent today. He always makes me smile. :)
Brandon greeted me with a neck rub & scratched my back for me as he walked by my desk. :)
I think OC has a raid scheduled for tonight. Hope it happens. :)
It's Richard's 21st birthday! Hope it's awesome! :)
I'm not in pain anywhere at the moment. Yay! (I'm not tired either. Very cool.)

All good reasons to smile.
I hope you blog readers are all smiling too! Have a great day. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


If I go MIA from my computer over the next day or so it's because I'm in some serious pain.
My hips have been bothering me throughout this pregnancy, and I've had some pretty bad moments/days - but this has been the worst day ever. I woke up in the middle of the night in "it hurts enough to cry" type pain, and haven't been comfortable since. It's like my left hip joint is all locked up & my left quad, hamstring & glutes are all screaming at me at the same time. It hurts to walk and to sit, so I've been laying on my right side in bed reading to Elijah most of the day. Hopefully at some point we'll get to have a nap, because I'm absolutely zombaliscious at the moment.

You know, I used to complain about the charlie horses I'd get in my calves when I was pregnant - but at least those subsided quickly after the initial agony. I'd take those any day over this. :p

It's sunny & it's Wednesday though. Sounds like a couple of good reasons to smile to me. :)
Have a great day!

Monday, September 22, 2008

a walk in the wind :)

We had a busy sort of weekend complete with homework, grocery shopping and just the usual stuff needing to get done. Yesterday was so beautiful out though - Kirsten, Elijah and I decided to go for a walk. The wind was crazy, but the temperature was perfect.We were gone for 3 hours, walking through the neighborhood up to the middle school & stopping at playgrounds along the way. We got a little lost, walked farther than we meant to & came home kinda sore but we had a blast. :)
I'd planned to do a meme over the weekend but think I'll save it for another day. Back to work for me!
Have a great day. :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

what he said

...yeah, it's so totally nap time.

'night :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

still here :)

Life is just quiet with most of my kiddos at school, Vern working crazy hours and me still working & trying to keep Elijah from being too bored all day. Does it look like I'm succeeding? lol

Have a great day! :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

weekend by numbers

My kiddos gave me 100s of kisses today. Yay!
Vern came home Friday and collapsed after his 58 hour workweek. Poor guy.
I pulled 1 white hair out of my head today. That was not a happy little find. lol
Friday was my brother's 35th birthday. Hope it was an awesome one Aaron!
Brandon was 5 hours late getting home from his friend's house today. Vern was spitting mad. I was relieved that he was mostly okay. (He biffed it bad on a bike and his elbow, wrists, knuckles & a knee are all really owie looking. I'll be watching his wounds closely – some of 'em were pretty bad.)
Maiah's big enough now that my 3 youngest kiddos had fun the other day watching my stomach move while she was kicking & stuff. She's fun to watch. :)
Vern took his blood pressure while we were out grocery shopping today. It was 140 over 77. Not good.
I thought that candy corn sounded yummy - my kiddos were eating 'em and they smelled so good. I had 5 and the amount of sugar made me feel sick. :p
I played AoC for a bit last night and Arinne hit level 47. Yay!
It's after 2 am. I should get some sleep – we're headed up to Logan tomorrow for some family fun. :)

'Night blog readers!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 words

This is an easy one. You - the first 10 words that come to mind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hola :)

Haha! I'm going to beat the 4-day mark this time. :)

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. I have my 24 week appointment and lots of other stuff to do, so I thought I'd better check in tonight. :) It's almost time for my glucose test. :p He plans to skip the initial little screening test since I tend to fail those anyway. I really hope I've managed to keep things under control this time. I dislike my little finger-pokey-thingee and that final rule that says I have to be strictly on the diet to keep things under control. I'm really really really hoping that my own version of behaving has been enough.
Maiah has been growing and is so active of late. She likes to get all crazy right as I'm trying to go to sleep. Elijah loves to cuddle with me at night too - his favorite thing is to face me, throw his arm around my neck and his leg over my belly. Maiah seems to like it too - she kicks & pokes and seems to love that little hello.

Well, I was going to pull a late night of work until I realized I have to be up early for my appointment, so off I go to find my pillow.

'night blog readers. :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

this and that

Found: My mp3 player! Yay!
Bought: Um what have I bought lately? Groceries. And um, a birthday present for one of Kirsten's friends. She went to a rock star makeover birthday party on Saturday. Sadly, I got home so late last night when her makeup had worn off and such, I have no pictures. :(
Pain. :( My hips have been so owie lately. I wake up in pain when I have to roll over at night. It goes something like this. ~Lift myself a little in order to be able to roll over, *insert swear word here*, *insert swear word here*, *insert swear word here* ...gently flop onto the other hip & try to resume sleeping. :p The only time it hurts more is when I first wake up in the morning and have to try to get out of bed. lol So not fun.
Brandon tickle Elijah just now. The sunset last night in Idaho. Some random movie Vern bought. Um, it was called Accepted. He's liking having the laptop to watch movies at night.

Lots of yummy thoughts while I closed my eyes during the drive yesterday. I'm such a daydreamer and that's a long, uneventful drive. :p
Ate: Um I've had carrots, grapes & a piece of bread with pb on it so far today. Craving Chinese food. Rice noodles with beef please. Mmmmm...
Listened: To country music mostly while we drove. Not my usual thing by a long shot, but I like it better than lots of what Vern listens to so it works as a compromise. Toby Keith's Rock You Baby has some seriously yummy lyrics. Go Toby!
Rock you Baby chorus:
I'm gonna rock you baby to sleep
I'm gonna make you crazy over me
I'm gonna hold you like you've never been held before
And love you till you tell me you can't love anymore
I'm gonna shake your emotion right down to your soul
And then I'm gonna love you all over in and out of control
If this is how love is supposed to feel
baby I know I've fallen head over heels
I'm gonna rock you baby

Um, can't say I've played much of anything lately. I'm slacking both in WoW and in AoC. Sadness. :(
A peach/mango fusion crystal light slurpee yesterday. Mmmmm...
A birthday party for Grandpa Kent this evening at 6. Family, ice cream & fresh air. :)
Cheered: At Brian, who's calling his big bro Vern once a week to bug him about writing the letter that is the last thing needed to get things moving again for Brandon's and my immigration stuff. Love you Brian – thank you! :)
Cried: Last night. The usual really. I just don't understand what stops Vern from being willing to finish the immigration stuff for us. Our 12th anniversary is in October, I'm carrying our 4th child together. Yet he just won't do the one part that was his responsibility. When I ask him why doing this stuff is so low on his list of priorities I get the same blank stare he's given me all along. I just don't get it and he's just not discussing it. Or doing it. :(
A little bit during that Accepted movie. And while having dinner with Lauren, Tyler & his family last night. They're fun. :)
Loved: My comfy bed this morning, sleeping in, cuddling with Elijah & talking to Kirsten. It was a wonderfully slow start to what promises to be a good day. :)

Well, Kirsten & I were wanting to go for a walk before that birthday party so I'd better get going.

Happy Sunday blog readers!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

bad habit

Okay, so I've developed this bad habit of only thinking to blog every 4 days or so. Not that I've had oodles of things to say here or anything, but yeah. I'm still alive and Maiah's still kicking. :)

We're headed to Idaho this afternoon to help Lauren & Tyler get moved. They had to change plans and move up there sooner because their apartment flooded. I'm going to miss having Lauren close. Love her bunches. :)

Well I should be getting ready to go - hope everyone has an awesome weekend! :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

just peeking in

Oops! I didn't mean to go so many days between blogging again. Slacker... :p

I didn't work nearly enough over the weekend, so I'm trying really hard to kick a yucky headache so I can on concentrate on proofing tonight. I feel like I'm working in slow-motion or something. So not good. :p
I did manage to help kiddos with their homework though, and they're all smelling yummy and ready for bed. (Well except B who's off playing some basketball.)
Vern won't be home from work until 11 or so again. The hours he's put in lately have been crazy.
Kirsten told me tonight that my tummy's grown some more. Yay?! Thanks hon. lol I had kinda noticed. Some of my favorite summer staples are getting a little tight. Go Maiah go! Not sure I wanna get as big as I was with my boys, but there's something comforting in knowing she's growing. I'm 23 weeks now. She's really not doing the basketball thing. It's more like she's pushing all my organs up so that my upper tummy is pushed out too. :p As much as people keep telling me I'm looking good/cute/glowing this pregnancy, I really don't feel so cute. :p I'm grateful for the kind words though. Every little bit helps. I'm just so happy to be past the sicky stage. Everything else I can deal with. :)
Well, I'd better get back to trying to work. I'd just realized it had been days since I last checked in.

Goodnight! :)