"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Three Days?!

I am in disbelief that there are only a few short days until Christmas. This month has flown by.

Today was a fabulous day though.

I finished up the stocking stuffers while out today with Lauren, so we're officially finished with the shopping & ready to wrap. I think the kiddos will be happy with what we were able to do. For a no-bonus year it seems crazy that we could almost fulfill their wish lists. Of course, they did a good job of not asking for everything under the sun. Love my sensible kiddos.

Vern brought me home some See's Milk Chocolate blue & silver foil balls.
Mmmmmm... They were so good and he's sweetheart to bring me home a treat.
I enjoyed them (and even shared a few) while playing WoW with Julie & Kyle. Fun!

Time for bed. Wrapping is on tap for tomorrow.
I can't put anything under the tree yet though. Little Vern can't handle actually seeing that there are gifts for him without begging to open 'em every 5 seconds. I made the mistake of putting some from Grandma under the tree & had to put them back away after seeing how it tortured my child. Silly little boy.

"I bring you good tidings of great joy..."

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yikes, I read your post and started to panic. Granted everything present wise is done- but still there is something about the last few days of the countdown that strikes fear in my heart.

I haven't put the majority of the presents under the tree either- don't want Jameson to feel his basketball or Genna to feel her bike.