"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Tagged again. This time by Julie. :) So, um, how weird am I? I know I can come up with 5 things like I'm supposed to. Lets see...

Ooooh, I have one. :) I like jalepeno chips and chocolate. Together. Chocolate is the best heat-cooling chaser. And the hotter the chips, the better. Oh, and a Pepsi is always a handy thing to have close by.

I have to sleep at the edge of the bed. If I can't hang half a leg over the side I'm not not going to fall asleep.

Speaking of sleep, I have an odd attachment to my pillow. I've had the same down pillow for as long as I can remember. (I'm 33, that's a long time.) I have a hard time falling asleep without it. We've tried to replace it, but a new pillow is just too full. I'm thinking it'd take a good 20 years to break one in enough to finally replace it. Of course, my kids all love my pillow too, and when I even talk about replacing it they start arguing over who gets it.

I'm obsessive about cupboard doors & such being closed. Drives me nutso when my kids leave them hanging open. (Prabably stems from my tendancy to bonk my head on said doors.)

Uh-oh, it's getting late & I'm starting to blank here. Um, I actually like listerine? I shred my Thanksgiving turkey to make sandwiches? I'd rather throw out a dish with leftovers-turned science project than have to clean it? I like black licorice better than red?
Something there has gotta pass for a fifth.

And I'm going to pick on Robin again, because I'm trying to get that big sis of mine to blog more. And I know she's weird. :) (mostly kidding...)

1 comment:

April said...

No idea Robin. Weird.