"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The worst mom award.

Yep. It goes to me today. I was vaccuming the front room knowing perfectly well that Elijah was crawling around, but obviously not paying enough attention to exactly where he was.
The vaccuum ate his hand.
He somehow got his little hand under the vaccuum and the spinning brushes got him. I'm not sure whether to call it a scrape or a burn, maybe a little of both. It looks owie.
He seems to have forgiven me. A good thing.

Oh, and tonight is parent night at the school. I'm not a huge fan of these. I know that I signed a form at the beginning of the year saying I'd attend the monthly parent meetings, but I really don't want to go. I'm hoping Vern will go alone. Or that we can both get out of it. Or something.

Hopefully I can redeem myself as a good mommy before the day is out. I can cheat and make cookies or something. Then maybe nobody will notice my injured baby & my absence at parent night. You think maybe it'll work? Probably not. But I'm going to make some anyway.


Anonymous said...

Oh ouch...poor Elijah, and poor mommy, too. Hugs to you both!

Amy B. said...

oh poor baby Elijah! I wouldn't worry about the worst mom award. I win that one every day, (ask Joshua,) so you're safe ;)

Carin said...

enjoy your cookies April. Hugs to Elijah.

April said...

Robin, we should be around. We have a cell, you should catch us even if we aren't. Earlier is always better for phone calls. :)

And thanks girls. I still feel so bad that my boo got his first major owie thanks to me. The older kids keep pointing out how painful it looks. Nice, huh.

Helena said...

Ouch! Poor baby!

Anonymous said...

ouchie!! my kids are always too scared of the vacuum to get to close.

did you end up making cookies?? I think that warm gooey cookies make up for just about anything. :)

great pic of you to the right! :)