"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Saturday List

I'm feeling grateful today. Groggy from a late night, but grateful.

Some of the stuff I've enjoyed of late:

Yummy dinner last night. (Pizza Hut)
Comfy new sandals. (Anticipating Spring.)
My mp3s. Needing an ipod for mobility.
Cuddle time with LV. He still has that yummy baby soft hair. Mmmmmm...
Two birthdays this past week has meant ice cream in the freezer. Milkshakes. Yum.
Vern. Seriously cute man.
Elijah's kisses. Yummy baby.
Playing online with Julie and Kyle. Fun!
Hot chocolate & toast for breakfast- yum!)
Our new grill thing on which I plan to make grilled panini sandwiches later.
Milky Way caramels. Mmmmmmm...

It's grocery shopping day.
As soon as Vern gets home from work. (Should be soon.)
Brandon will watch the little ones while we run over there. This is something I appreciate so much. Alone time. No struggling with kiddos in the store. Ahhhhhhh...
Thanks B.
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Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Good list, April! Alone time at the grocery store is heavenly- love it when I can do that!