Ah it's been days again. My poor neglected blog. :p Was a long sort of a weekend. Been tired, sore & taking care of sick kiddos. Again. Little Vern is home sick from school today, and Elijah & I are both sniffly. They're watching movies & I'm wading through laundry. Fun huh? Just taking it easy, trying to feel better. Gogo cold & flu season with school-aged kiddos. :p I just hope everyone's feeling better in time for Thanksgiving. :)
It's a good thing that my boys are easy to please & just hanging out too. I'm so very out-of-it. My thoughts are in California with someone who means the world to me. Still thinking about Jason - sending more hugs'nstuff, prayers & whatever else I can come up with his way. It's not really my place to talk about it here (not that I know a whole lot) but I found out that he's in the hospital and it's serious. :( Just had to mention that my heart & my thoughts are with him & his family. More than I know how to say.
Well, the original plan was to give a list of things I'm thankful for this holiday week, and even in my current state of out-of-it-ness I can think of lots of things I'm thankful for. ~for my cute kiddos, the littlest of whom are still all snuggled up watching movies. ~for my heating pad that makes sitting here bearable. ~for the leftover stuffed crust pizza that I'm about to call lunch. ~for my friends. I'm so lucky to have the friends I do. ~for my blanket. It's cold down here today. brrrr... Five good things. :)
Have to go switch the laundry & check how Vern's day is going. He's been having back problems & was headed to the chiropractor today. It'd be good if one of the 2 of us were able to move & such, and my pains aren't going anywhere just yet. 5 more weeks til Maiah's here. Oh my!
Thinking about Jason. Hoping he's feeling okay & that he gets some answers out of the tests going on today. It's no fun to feel like crud. Hugs'nstuff going out to him. :( Coloring with Elijah. Had to stop when we couldn't find a sharpener for the red pencil crayon. Gogo Lightning Mcqueen! Bugging Kirsten to do her chores. As always. She has Christmas music going on upstairs while she pretends like she's working. That's my girl. :) E-mailing Vern to figure out dinner tonight. The rice is smelling so yummy. Working on the last bit of the last slideshow I need to finish up before I can declare myself work-free until I after have Maiah here. Trying to get the laundry under control. Which squirrelly type out there has stolen the laundry fairy? Hmmmm...? I'm in need of some help over here. :p Homework-ing with little Vern. He's doing so awesome at school. :) Poking my head into WoW. Was a quiet day in our guild. Think maybe I'm not the only person I know who was in need of a nap? lol Planning Thanksgiving dinner at Nina's. Yum. Wishing everyone a fantabulous Thursday. :)
I had my 34 week appointment yesterday. One more 2-weeker & then we're down to weekly ones. o.O We're getting close. Oh boy. I've had a couple of comments lately that Maiah's dropping too. I guess it's kinda nice to have a little more room for my organs & stuff, but I'm hurting more than ever in my hips. :p Fun stuff. Well, kinda. It's fun to think I'll be holding her in no time. :)
Meanwhile, sorry I've not been blogging. I still need to upload my pics from the weekend to share, and I'm dying to get some recent shots of my kiddos for here. My poor blog has been missing their cuteness factor for awhile.
Well, I have a mountain of clean laundry to fold & a little boy who wants a yaya. Off I go. Have a great day people!! :)
...anyone's wondering where I've been I thought I'd check in. I'm still here, just a little zombaliscious & unable to see straight. I kinda look like this... @@ thanks to photoshop & acdsee. Anyway, if I keep working at the same pace that I did all weekend and through last night there's a very good chance I'll finish up & be done with all slideshows and digital negatives in time to hand 'em over tomorrow. There's a good 18 hours or so of work left on the slideshows though, so I need to stop typing and get back to it. :) Wish me luck!
So Ej & I played with the camera this evening. Well, mostly he played with the remote & I made faces. I did get him to come over for the one shot though. :) I wanted to put something up on this little blog of mine that wasn't just me typing away & it was cold out so we did these.Don't mind the girl in red. She knows she looks like crud when she feels like it so... :p
Oh, and Vern was just playing with us when he said he only got one copy of the game. He came home with all three. :) He was disappointed I didn't react much to that e-mail. He apparently had no clue what kind of blah mood I've been in - thought he'd have some fun & I ruined it. lol So I did get wrath installed & even peeked in for a minute, but then I went back to work.
Vern didn't want to pick up our copies at the midnight release last night. Brandon & I tried to convince him. :p I could log in anyway and try to live vicariously through friends that I'm sure are playing with new content, but nah. I have work to do and am not feeling all that great.
So here I sit, all excited that the Wrath expansion came out, celebrating with some green tea & painkillers. :) There will be some sort of excited post with screenshots when I venture over & play - just not sure when that will be. We have a crazy weekend ahead.
Hope anyone reading this is having themselves a fantabulous kind of day! :)
*edit. So Vern went at lunch to pick up our pre-paid copies of the game & the store only had one left?! (Nice job holding onto the pre-paid copies there.) Sooo... I voted myself out of the fight for our one copy and will wait until tomorrow or whenever they have 'em in. Figures. lol
Yeah. It's been a quiet couple of days. Lauren came to pick Elijah up early yesterday for a day full of fun, making for a nice quiet day for me. I got a bunch of work done that I needed to & was able to deal with some emotional stuff. (Okay, so I just spent some time crying. It worked - I felt better afterward. I'm sure it's the pregnancy thing - I've been a little sensitive/emotional lately. Spent 2 days on the verge of tears for reasons I couldn't put my finger on and just needed to cry it out. I almost feel normal again. No more broken April. :) Yay! Well with the exception of my hip. lol Its hurting so bad. :p)
Today has been quiet too. Elijah's been content to just hang out on my lap for cuddles while I work. (It's been awesome - lovin' & cuddles are so part of the magic that makes me feel whole. Thanks babe.) He's been content enough that I've been able to keep the TV off. (A day without qubo=heaven.) I haven't even been listening to music like I usually do while in PS. Guess why!? Yes, I somehow killed another headset. :p I have quite the track record. O.o Last month Vern replaced the most recent dead headset with a new one for him. I inherited his old one, which was working just fine until now. :p Sadness. If I wiggle the wire & hold it just right there's sound, otherwise nada. I can grab the little earbuds from my mp3 player - it just won't be the same for vent. :p So not cool. Crazy huh? Yeah he's not gonna be happy with that news.
You'd think my camera's been broken or something too with the lack of pictures and all. :p I'll have to play with it some soon to liven up this little blog of mine. Meanwhile, I hope you readers are having a great week.
That seems like a long time for me to have nothing to say. :p
I haven't been feeling super fantabulous lately - just have reached the point in pregnancy where stuff hurts all of the time on top of cold season where I'm trying really hard not to get anything worse than the sniffles. :p I've felt just kind of rough & out of it. Won't take long feeling like this for me to be ready to just have Maiah here already. One last big owie & then I get to hold her? Yeah, I'm probably closer than I'd admit out loud. Overall we're just not ready though. :p My younger kiddos headed back to school today. I'm hoping they had fun while off-track. We didn't really do much of anything during their break - just hung out at home, made cookies, went to the park early on (before it got so cold) and had cake for breakfast one day. Lauren's coming down today, and Brian flies in on Friday - we have a big family get-together on Saturday. I have a few things I want done before then, so it's bound to be a crazy busy sort of week. I've been slow in phone, pm & e-mail responses to people of late & apologize. I'm not wanting to say no to people who want/need me for various things, yet I have enough going right now (and am feeling just cruddy enough) that I'm hesitant to jump in and take on more stuff at the moment. So to those of you who haven't heard one way or the other it means I want to help you enough to be considering it. I have a couple of people on my mind who'll be hearing from me soon. I promise. Meanwhile, I should probably go switch the laundry & get my bagel out of the toaster.
So this is what I woke up to this morning:It was still coming down hard at that point. Fun huh? Even better when without thinking I threw on my flipflops for this morning's doctor appointment. lol I did grab a sweater... :p
My kiddos are having a blast out in the backyard at the moment & I'm wishing I hadn't killed my camera battery uploading photos this morning. Looks like it's supposed to stay cold and keep going throughout the week though, so I'll get some pics of my cuties soon. :)
My kiddos have been crazy today (we'll blame the Halloween candy that has been disappearing much faster than I'd like) which has led to a headache that matches the hip & lower back pain I woke up with.
You know what kind of entry happens when I don't feel well, right? Yep - the quick & easy meme kind. I have so many things I could be doing, but I honestly think a warm bath is what's going to happen once I get up out of this chair. :p
the Monday Countdown meme :)
10 websites you have bookmarked youtube ilp the WoW community site mpix the squirrely message board thottbot projectlore msn photobucket um, my blog :p 9 movies you own the Fifth Element Big Daddy a Knight's Tale Hitch Batman Begins Mr. Deeds I am Legend 50 First Dates Gone in 60 Seconds 8 words/phrases you say often thank you I love you whatever where's my kisses cool let's do it yummy ;) was that okay? 7 things you'd like to do or see before you die become an American citizen take my kiddos to Disneyland have all the dental work done my kiddos & I need visit my mom (and introduce my younger kiddos to her) watch the sun set on a tropical beach somewhere take photos of castles & architecture in England, Scotland & France cheer my kiddos on as they grow up and hopefully find happiness. 6 people you're thankful for Robin who checks in on me & tries to keep me in touch with my family. Jason who makes my day on a regular basis - he's almost as good as Elijah at getting me to smile :) Brandon who knows me so well and watches out for me. He's awesome. Lauren who's so awesomely patient & who I've been so proud of as I've watched her grow up. Vern who works his butt off to try to take care of things for our family. Nina, who does so much for her family and who's done an admirable job this past year of adjusting to life and keeping things going, no matter how hard some moments have been. 5 places you love to eat Cafe Rio (Mexican!!) the Olive Garden (Italian!!) PF Chang's (Chinese!!) Hire's (the bestest local burger place) Quiznos (my most favorite subs. yum!!) 4 things on your to-do list right now find & take some acetaminophen, e-mail Janell, make Vern his cake and call Heidi. 3 things you loved about today the sound of rain when I slept, LV's backrub as I sat at my computer (thanks babe!) and spending some time this morning in vent with some favorite friends while playing WoW. 2 recent picsKirsten actually took these of me earlier today. I need to take some shots of my kiddos or some Fall-ish ones before it's too late - there's just way too many pics of me going on here lately. :p 1 song
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours. I'd never heard his stuff at all before, but the other day Jody sent me a tell recommending this one so I looked it up today. It's totally different from anything I've been listening to or anything he's sent me before (he's the one who initially shared some of my faves, like Broken (Seether & Amy Lee) and is responsible for my Papa Roach addiction (started with Forever) and yeah, has just recommended lots of different music over the last couple of years.) This one is so random, but it's a happy little song that got Elijah dancing earlier.
At least to me it is. It's all about spending time with the people I care about and showing them just how much they mean to me. It's about being thankful for all that we have, and this year for me it's also a time for remembrance.
Last November was filled with an amazing mixture of emotions with Vern Sr. passing away mid-month. I still miss him, yet I still feel the amazing calm & the tremendous love that prevailed then, and lingers even now when I think about him. What a fitting month for a man like him to leave this world. It's hard to believe it's been a year, but here I am on November first, thinking about all that I have to be grateful for, and being so fully aware of the anniversary that looms between now & thanksgiving with an odd sense of peace, gratitude & happiness.I'm hoping that those who read this blog of mine feel the same warmth & love that I do at this time of year. There's so much beauty to be enjoyed, so many blessings to be thankful for and as always, so many reasons to smile. I hope this little entry finds all of you doing just that. :)