"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Play by Play

I'm bored and am about to share the love. Woo! Yep, you've got it - a play by play of my boring evening right here. :p

~45 minutes on my treadmill
~20 minutes with my weights (shoulders and back today)
~Dancing with Kirsten & little Vern
~A much needed shower
Moooooom, pleeeeeease play WoW with meeeee....
~Spend an hour playing my bloodelf pally with Kirsten's warlock. We hit lvl 19. Yay!
Okay Kirsten, homework time!
~Make grilled cheese & tomato sandwiches for dinner. Make 'em quick! It's AI time! Hopefully the girls do better than the boys did yesterday...
~Kiddos fed, check. Homework going, check. Some WoW time for me now! Yay!
Wait, bathtime first! Kiddos clean, check.
~Hooray - I'm back in my computer chair!
Um, the girls are doing marginally better than the boys did on Idol. I'm not all that impressed so far.
~Make it to the WoW login screen right as Elijah starts crying.
Vern started yelling and LV went running. He accidentally caught Elijah's hand in a folding chair and squished it good. Owie. I consoled LV while Vern inspected Elijah's hand. It looks okay. Whew!
~Scoop up my pouty babe and comfort him. He hasn't been feeling well lately and its looking like he's going to cuddle with mom and cry himself to sleep. Kisses for my sweetie! Sadly playing WoW with my babe in arms doesn't work well. American Idol will get my full attention after all.
Hmmm... Well that was some interesting TV. There's always next week, right? :p
~Well, now it's almost 11:00 and I'm still holding Elijah in my computer chair. I am my babe's favorite pillow and he won't let me put him down for anything. There's nothing interesting on TV. Vern & Brandon are playing WoW and I'm typing one handed here - sharing the love. I'm about ready to pull out a movie to go with these cuddles and call it a night.
I ought to send B to bed as well. I hadn't realized the time. He'll have a rough morning.

Exciting, I know. :p

1 comment:

Julie said...

Sorry I have been slacking in the blog department lately. It has been busy.
Sounds like everyone is involved in the WoW thing, how cool :).

Elijah is so adorable (but then all your babes are adorable), it is scary how fast they grow up. Hope his little hand is ok.

Miss ya! *hugs*