"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ok go

...or "What April does when she's too sick to sleep or play WoW." lol

When I was grabbing the Ok Go vid for my blog earlier I watched this one of theirs again. It's another favorite. Then I found a copy of it done for a wedding present and it made it even funnier. Another imitation well done. Oh my. Something about white people dancing like white people and the slight geekiness just makes me smile. Ah, forget geeky - they have their own version of cool. At least I think so. lol These are about a year old I think. At least it seems like that long since B first showed me. And I still find 'em on you tube sometimes for kicks. :)

What a fun wedding present. :)

With the rest of my family properly medicated so that they can sleep I'm trying to figure out how to knock myself out. My head hurts so bad that I can neither sleep nor see straight. Those same meds haven't done enough for me just yet. : / Hopefully I'll be able to sleep soon.

Since it's officially Thursday now, happy Thursday!
Have a great day. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol I think I've heard both of these songs but hadn't seen the videos. They're definately on the geeky but funny side of cool.