"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


On Sunday I was able to hold my nephew Isaac for the first time. He was so yummy and sweet. Man I love babies. It was really great to see Jill & Josh too. They seem to be doing well. Makes me happy to see them enjoying marriage & parenthood. It's a calming thing for me to hold a new little one, and it makes me smile to think there are sweet moments to be had if we're willing to take them, even amidst the stormiest times in our lives.
I've been struggling lately. Some of it has just been the ever-present cloud above my head that I'm constantly shoving aside for tastes of sunlight, and some of it has been concern and worry over loved ones. I found out just this week that someone that I care about deeply has cancer. Cancer is a scary word to me. One look at my family & personal history will explain that fear. This person is someone who means a whole lot to a lot of people. The outlook is actually as good as it can be concerning that the big C word is involved, but still it shook me. You just never know when something like that is going to come up. It's not really my place to talk about it at length - just wanted to make the point that I have a lot on my mind of late, yet amidst the worry & concern I love being able to find those truly sweet moments. You know, those moments where no matter what is going on in your life, heart or head you're able to smile, love & see all that is good. Thank you baby Isaac, for some sweet moments on Sunday that will help to carry me through this week. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

**Hugs** April. I could have used a baby Issac snuggle today, too. I'll be praying. Love you!!