"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Friday, November 18, 2005


Yep, that's what I am. Every day I think of what I'm going to post, and lately it seems like I get around to actually posting it the next day or so.

I'm trying to gather pictures of my kids for my parents and for Vern's family. Can you believe that with the hundreds of pictures I take of my kids, my dad doesn't have a picture of Elijah on his wall yet? My mom doesn't either. Nor do Vern's parents or grandparents. Nothing. We have been horrible about getting our own stuff printed. I figure now is a good time to fix that.

So I'd pulled up this picture of Elijah & liked it in color, but Brandon liked the black & white better. Now I can't decide. Color or black & white?
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
The color version is straight from the camera & the bw is only converted and toned.

I have smiley looking at the camera pics too, but love the shallow depth of field, light & mood here. If for noone else but me & my bare walls. ;) Now to figure out which version to get done.

I actually wrote more here - analyzing the two & talking technicalities, but erased it in favour of other people's opinions. If this were your baby & picture which version would you print?


Anonymous said...

They're gorgeous....how on earth can one choose which one??!!

I love them both. But, if you're doing it for grandparents, they seem to like the color pictures better. At least that's my experience with giving my kids' grandparents photographs.

So, that said, I'd vote for color just for that reason. For my own pictures, I'd probably do the black and white.

Carin said...

I love them both but I would go with the color.

Amy B. said...

I love them both but I'd go with the color. Look at how clear the blue in his eyes is. how the baby blue of his shirt goes so nicely with that and balences so perectly with the soft peach of his skin. gotta be color.

Kristi said...

I am late at offering this but, even though both are incredibly gorgeous, I have to vote for the color b/c it shows off his gorgeous blue eyes!