"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Friday, June 20, 2008

hugs 'n stuff :)

Wow, it's been 3 days again? Makes me feel like such a slacker. I've been working on bridal pics, sleeping off sickies and cuddling with Elijah. (Who somehow managed to get a cold in 90 degree weather.) Of course, true to form I'm feeling sniffly today too. :p

I've been missing my friends like crazy. When I've manged to find moments to peek in places to say hi my timing's been off. :(

So just in case,
Hi Lauren! Hope you're having a blast on vacation! I'm going to post a bridal picture with this entry just to prove you have some coming. Sorry for being slow, but I think you'll be happy when you see 'em. :) The real preview should be ready tonight or tomorrow. (Depending on how today goes.)
Hugs Jason! When do you guys leave for vacation? Soon huh. I peeked in looking for you & saw that Hy's 33?! I'll have some catching up to do while you're off feeding sharks. :) I'm so hoping for vent when I catch you.
Hey Jody! Still mad at me? Yeah, thought so... /cry :(
Thinking about Jill and hoping she's doing well. (She's pregnant too - we're 2 weeks apart. Yay!)
Smile for me Richard! Some humungo hugs for you! Thankfully Vern's getting better at playing messenger while I'm slacking. :)
Hugs 'n pokes for Ian who'll prolly be 70 by the time I actually get to play, and to his bro who's ahead of him. :p (You'll be able to make your own biscuits!)
Hola Brian & Brooks! Hope you 2 are doing okay.
Hey Robin! How's my favorite big sister? Have you hugged your boys for me? Pictures?

Most of those people don't read my blog, but I feel better having /hugged some of the people I think about while busy working whether they know it or not. :)

...and a pic for Laurie. The first one I sized for a preview - lots more coming soon. Click to undo blogger's shrinking ickiness. :) Vern actually took that one - my copyright info is misleading. Guess I need to make him some ps brushes too. :p

Have a great day! :)


Bethany said...

Great picture. Laruen is beautiful!!

laurie_lu said...

Yay! Thanks April. Not MY Fav, but still good! What can I say the looks run in the family? :) Thank you beth! :) I am anxiously awaiting more. It's the highlight of the trip at this point, to get to where were staying to look at your blog! :) 10 days is a LONG time. lol Thank you! Love you!