"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

just a few words

I'm having a bit of a rough day today. Nauseous & shakey again. I'm so excited to be almost done with the first trimester though & am hoping that things will become easier.
It's been awesome having Brandon home for summer vacation. He's helped so much, doing things like walking LV to school and playing with Ej so I can sleep off the barfies. He's all signed up for summer school though, to make up some of the credits he's missing from being in a non-accredited school for 9th grade. He was hoping to take some online classes too, but for those he needs his soc. security number, which we don't have yet.
Kirsten and LV with their year-round schedule don't finish up their school year until July 1st. :p LV does have a field trip to the zoo coming up, and Kirsten is having fun with her friends. They don't live quite close enough to hang out and play as much in the summer so I guess it works out.
I'm just looking forward to having some warm weather. We've had plenty of awesome storms and cool weather mixed in with the nicer days. It's June already, c'mon sunshine. :p
Well, it's looking kinda nice out at the moment, so I think I'll make Elijah and I some lunch and have ourselves a picnic. Then I have to get back to work.

(Sorry for another photo-less post. I'll play with my camera more when I'm done with proofing. Promise.)

Have a great day! :)


laurie_lu said...

I will still check it daily while out of country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Thanks for everything your doing!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better.