"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Friday, August 15, 2008

the bump

So since Vern decided to be a slacker last weekend and didn't take pics for me like I'd hoped (or for Lauren like I also hoped...) I had to enlist Kirsten to help me get the belly shot I've been promising a friend forever. It was dark in my room, so we had to bump up the iso a bunch - so they're a little noisy and such - but yeah, consider this a promise kept.
...and an entry that will quickly be pushed off the front page. (for numerous obvious reasons... lol) I can't believe that I'm already at the halfway point. And she's measuring right on - not huge like my boys. Makes me more self conscious actually - I fear that I might look fat instead of pregnant when it's not an obvious basketball belly. It's all growth for baby from here on out though. She may yet become a basketball.)Oh, and for those who wanted to hear names - there is only one. Some of you might remember that Elijah was going to be Maia until he was a boy, and that's still sticking. The h may or may not be at the end, depending on the middle name. Some of the combos that have been kicked around have been
Maiah Jayne (my sis's middle name)
Maiah Sage
Maia Lorraine (my mom's name - and would have been Ej's name)
Maia Lyn
Maiah Rose
Maiah Joy (My middle name)
Maiah Dawn
Maia Rae

Oh, and typed it looks better with the h, but when writing it I like it without better. Brandon & LV vote for Maiah Jayne Petersen, and Kirsten votes for Maiah Lyn Petersen. Vern has no middle name preference. As always, I will toss the thought around until I have to write something down for the birth certificate. I may know what it's gonna be by then, but I'll toss everything under the sun up against it to make sure. ;)


Anonymous said...

I vote with Brandon and LV! ;) LOL!! Maiah is a bueautiful name and you look amazing sis!!! Thank you so much for sending that picture!!! If you get bored, you can send me more of you and the family.... a group shot would be wonderful!!! (anything before Sunday night would be great... that is when the sale ends) I love you lots sis!!! xoxoxo

Heather said...

Maiah is such a pretty name (and pretty spelling, too)! I don't remember that being the name for Elijah...of course, I don't remember a lot these days! Congrats, again! Oh...I love the names Jayne and Joy, so either of those gets my vote! (Not that you're asking for outside help in naming the baby...LOL)

Anonymous said...

Your bump is cute! The name Maiah is beautiful. You could go with any of those middle names.

Jennalee :) said...

Hi! My mom suggests you should name her Maiah Halene Petersen. Just a thought... hehe Good luck with the pregnancy and keep us posted! Hugs!