"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it."
~Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hola blogland!
Just peeking in. Apologies for being on the quiet side of late. I guess I've been kind of down lately. I dislike feeling like an emotional wreck but I keep finding myself sad, crying or just not feeling well. Probably just the pregnant lady hormones running out of hand, but I'm trying to just get over stuff and find things to focus on and keep busy. gogo hours in photoshop with wedding pictures. :)
I miss my friends like crazy, but at least there's usually daily runs and 5 mans with R & co. Those make me smile. I finally broke down last night & bought Vern his epic flier so he can keep up better on the daily circuit. While I've been busy working he's been going too. I'm hoping he'll keep doing 'em & get all of the shattered sun gem cuts. ;)
I haven't been able to play AoC much either with photo work, sickies & getting ready for school stuff. I think I've officially lost my touch at catching Hy on in any game. Sadness.
Been thinking about LV a bunch today – it's his first full day of 1st grade. He was so nervous this morning. I'm sure he'll do awesome & have him some fun. :)
Ej's been my little sweetheart today. He's decided that mommy isn't allowed to spend any extra time in bed with everyone else gone during the day though. :p I'm thinking naps will shift to when the bigger kiddos get home... lol He's a great little workout buddy though. And we built an awesome geotrax railroad for him. It covers the family room. I sure do love me a happy little Ej - he keeps me smiling. :)

Here's a quick meme & I'll grab a couple of images for Laurie & Ty since it's been awhile.

5 words or phrases in your recent vocabulary
“hug me please” “how does this picture look?” “I miss you” “gonna close my eyes for awhile” “love you”
4 things that make you happy
my kiddos, hugs 'n kisses, feeling Maiah move, pictures that I know will make Lauren smile.
3 things you'd like to accomplish this week
Completing this stage of editing would be awesome. It's the part that takes the longest.
Being there for my kiddos – especially LV & K during their first week of school.

Work hard enough to feel like I've earned some playtime to catch up with friends. (Then I'd love to actually catch Hy online or raid with OC. Or both. lol)

2 songs that fit your mood right now
I'm with You (Avril Lavigne) It just played a minute ago.
Broken (Seether & Amy Lee) Yeah. Another old one, but awesome.

1 place you'd rather be at the moment
On a beach, relaxing in the sun with a nice cold drink and nothing pressing to do.

And just for Laurie...
I'm still not happy with how things sometimes look when I upload to blogger lately. I'm going to have to play with sizing and figure out what I've been doing different. The sometimes crunchy, sometimes soft, kinda wonky & slightly pixillated look is so not cool. :( (Perfect example - That last shot looks great in ps, but soft and wonky here. I did something wrong in sizing it. :p) I have a couple of ideas on what it might be. I should get back to work & try sizing some again later. We shall see. :)

Meanwhile, have a fantabulous day!


Anonymous said...

Those are some *wow* pictures April. The first one is breathtaking and the one where they're laughing is priceless. They'll be happy campers when you get done.

Sorry you've been down. (((hugs))) If it's any consolation you've been looking beautiful through this pregnancy. :D (I loved the bump shots.)

Anonymous said...

just stunning.
they should get that first one huge. really really huge.

laurie_lu said...

April I LOVE THEM!! :) I am going to stop by tomorrow. But I love them, your amazing!! :)LOVE YOu. Ps. you look so cute all pregneant!